CPHI China June 18-20th 2019

CPHI China 2019

Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), Shanghai, China CPHI China 2019 will be held at Shanghai New International Expo Center on June 18th -20th, 2019. With more than 3,200+ exhibitors and 70,000+ professional visitors from over 120 countries. CPHI will be one of the most extensive pharmaceutical exhibitions in all of Asia this year. CPHI […]

Diagnostic, Industrial and Shipping Solutions Now Online!

WiseSorbent® Family

As you may remember earlier on in the year, we had made major updates to our product pages, new photos, new descriptions and new technical documentation all with the goal of ensuring the most up to date and innovative solutions and products from WiseSorbent® were made accessible and understandable to the world. This goal has […]

CPHI Chicago & Next stop Bio International Philadelphia

cphinorthamerica 2019

Rounding out the end of the month of April and beginning of May was the last of Wisesorbent’s “April American Trade Show Tour” at CPHI North America in Chicago. Despite the freak snowstorm late last weekend leading to a slower start at first, the rest of the week turned out to be a great show […]

Major Diagnostic Reagent Desiccant Product Page Update!

Diagnostic Reagent Desiccant Products

At the beginning of February, many of our readers may recall that our Pharmaceutical desiccant product page had overgone a major overhaul. Now we have done the same with our Diagnostic Reagent Industry based desiccants along with a few other major updates to the Pharma page as well! Not only do all of our Diagnostic […]

Supply Side This Week & Interphex Review

Supply Side East 2019

Just last week, WiseSorbent® had an excellent show at the Interphex Trade Show in NYC. Many customers stopped by our booth, giving us their specific desiccant requirements and the current quantities and specifications they use currently. We were happy to show them the WiseSorbent® equivalent and naturally we have the capacity to meet the majority […]

Don’t Miss it! Wisesorbent@Interphex

Interphex 2019

As we had stated in previous articles, WiseSorbent® will be attending Interphex in New York next week from 4/2/19 to 4/4/19 at booth. We plan to have some very exciting announcements such as new innovations, new products and of course demoing the latest machinery we have on offer! With such surprises in store, it’s a […]

What type of products need desiccants?

WiseSorbent® Technology Desiccant Family

Whenever we here at WiseSorbent® talk about desiccants, we usually bring up 4 main industries: Pharmaceutical, Diagnostic Reagents, Industrial, and Shipping Containers. But many people ask us, what type of products really need desiccants? The simple answer of course is anything that needs moisture protection or humidity control but it can of course get a […]

WiseSorbent® American Tour!

WiseSorbent® American Tour

Three Shows, 1 Month, All Wise This spring, one company will be coming to you with the greatest moisture solutions the world has ever seen. From the mean streets of New York to the windy world of Chicago, WiseSorbent® will be ready to show you things that will absorb your mind… If you’ve missed WiseSorbent® […]

Watch for Wisesorbent: New Ad Campaign!

Advert for WiseSorbent® Technology

As our website and company continues to grow, WiseSorbent® has been expanding its outreach into various industries. The nutraceutical industry which is known for having all sorts of different moisture and desiccant solutions is one of them. This is why we are proud to announce a new advertising campaign together with Nutraceuticals World Magazine, the […]

Back From WestPack: Great Success in the Golden State!


Wisesorbent’s time at WestPack 2019 in Anaheim, California made a big impact on the packaging and desiccant world. Our team was busy throughout the week meeting and greeting visitors to our booth who were interested in a wide variety of what we had to offer and showcase. Naturally, the machines were a big hit and […]

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